Ok a wee posting about Sydney before I leave!
I was I know I was tired when I got off the plane as I didn't realise I was back to traveling on the left side of the road until I'd been on the bus for 30 mins! When I arrived here I had what Stef called 'Whitey Guilt' I found the culture shallow and narrow minded and couldn't believe how expensive and clean everything was! There were beauticians, shops, hairdressers etc everywhere, and the streets and the water were so dam clean! I found it shallow that people were wasting money on stuff they didn't really need! I just wasn't used to it I guess and everything was SO expensive!
Everyone was white and tall and everyone seemed to be smoking, very few people smoked in Central America. I'm not having a dig at Sydney, its the same as western culture back home but it was just so foreign to me when I arrived! Every country in Central America I visited kids followed you everywhere for money, I felt bit bad simply being there! Also Sydney was very easy to get around. Its like the UK with good weather, I'm not really that keen on it. Seeing people jogging for the first time in 2 months was weird at first I was thinking' where are they running to?!!' I got over it though and had a few days enjoying myself in Sydney and getting ready for India! To be honest it was nice to be able to walk along the street in Sydney without getting stared at and not having to worry about getting robbed!
Something I forgot to add to my last blog was that when I stayed in some of the tiny villages in Mexico and Central America, some of the people there had feet that were so different to ours as you could tell they had never or very rarely worn shoes. Their feet looked so different! Also it was fashionable to have your front teeth framed in silver or gold, both men and women had it done so that each of their front 4 teeth was framed in silver or gold. It wasn't nice!
One thing that was a delicacy in Mexico was Chicharon, this was picked pigs skin! It was not nice at all as it was all rubbery when you chewed it, nasty! Yet it was a popular thing to eat at the football match we went to!
The pictures!:
First 2 are taken at the Zoo, best Zoo I have ever been to, thanks for the tip Linz! Got to see all sorts of animals (like a tazmanian devil!)
The rest of the pictures don't need any explanation I don't think!
Well my next posting will be from India I cant believe how nervous I am! Especially after negotiating Central America I still get nervous about each new plunge into a culture!
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