Chasing Amy

We don't have tomorrow. We only have today.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Picture 1, shoe shiner, usually small boys all over central america who pointed at your dirty shoes to have them cleaned
2 a bench on La Reforma (the Champs d’Elese of Mexico)
3 The start of La Reforma
4 Theatre Palace Artes
5 Carrying large loads on the head was common throughout central america especially by very young boys and very old women
6 Tiles on a building in Mexico
7 and 8 Mexico Zocalo with the biggest Pinata in the world (apparently)
9 Maayan sandcastle building near the Maayan ruins of Tulum (christmas eve)
10 Market in Mexico, note kid asleep underneath this wa common, people slept on the streets a lot during the day
11 Pity this one is so dark but its mexican hat sellers and hammock sellers who are having a break in the Zocalo in Merida
12 Huge church in Merida with a beggar woman in traditional dress on the right and just as i took the photo a priest appeared at the door as well.
13, the beach where i spent Christmas day


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