These are the pictures of the farm for children with learning disabilities, i had a wonderful day, one of the best so far!!!! These kids are so happy, well fed and learning life skills. There are older kids who are out working in the town and then they come back to the 'family' at night to stay. At the farm the workers are using a uk model called Independence Life to work with the kids which as 12 areas of development they work with from self care and domestic skills to managing money and taking public transport and all the kids have got jobs in the outside world as they get older and they can live independently in apartments but still come back to the famr to visit. In America i saw a lot of disabled people on the street which hard to see but here you dont see it. A lot of these children were dumped here by their parents and the Government pays them donations but will not pay families who have disabled kids. Overall impression here was one of happy loving kids who had a big family of 12 brothers and sisters and were content and were not made to feel different becuase of their disability.
My impressions of Mexico so far are of a people who are so passionate and everywhere you go you see affection and love on a scale that you dont get back home and you definitly dont get in the USA! Puebla was a beautiful city and after Mexico city it felt tiny even though it had 2 million people! I saw my first volcano yesterday, there are 4 surrounding Puebla but you are not permitted to climb any of them at present. I also went to Cholula which had a church built ontop of a pyramid! I am leaving Puebla today for San Cristobal on the night bus. I think I will splash out and take a taxi to the bus station as its 42 pesos which is $4 or 2 quid!
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