Am in Memphis! These are some of the pics so far, sorry its not more

tiles outside the world trade centre made by kids
Me and the dress outside radio city music hall
Hersheys chocolate shop in Times Square
Am sitting in internet cafe in Memphis! I got to Nashville and spent 2 days there learning every kind of dance in the world (including the one on top of the bar in cowboy boots!)Nashville is a totally cliche, its so funny really. Guys on moterbikes, girls covered in scary tattoos, the works!!Its the friendliest city I have been to though, I really like it.
On the first night we went downtown and everywhere there was music and life. When I say we I mean most of the people in the hostel (about 5 of us) including a couple of guys who work there (with lovely southern accents) who showed us the sights. We got to a bar called Coyote Ugly and inside there were girls dancing on the bar (including us!) and was lots of fun. The second day we went to the Jack Daniels distillery (check out and enter 26th August and you should see my picture). Then at night we went to an open air swing dance where we jived and cha cha'd and was so much fun!!
Then i met 2 spanish guys who were doing a 4 day trip to Memphis and Mammoth caves so I decided to join them as they had a car and its cheaper and more fun to do it this way. Got to Memphis and spent yesterday in Sun studios and Beale St. Today I am going to sit and chill by the Mississippi river. Then tonight we are going to a place called Mammoth caves (largest cave system in the world) and then back to Nashville for another week or so.
Its so hard to describe but in Nashville and Memphis you feel like the cities (or large towns as they are) are actually alive. They have a rhythm, a soul and a movement that makes you realise why they are known for their music. Its incredible and hard to describe, but its a wonderful feeling and makes you feel so relaxed. When I arrived in Nashville I spent 2 days just being in Nashville and I feel more relaxed and at ease than I have felt in a long time. The only other place I feel like this is Scotland and only then in specific places.
Memphis and Nashville is what you think of as typical south america, small diners, coffee, everyone relaxed and taking life at a very slow pace indeed. I like it and didn't realise that the pace of Scotland is comparable to the pace of New York, its amazing how totally relaxed I feel here taking life at a much slower pace.
In the south there is a very old fashioned nature and charm to people. Everyone was dancing at the bars to the live bands and men are not self conscious the way scottish men are. They are relaxed. They take half an hour off from mending the fence to play gitaur and teach me a song. Men compliment women in a very honest and truthful way and there is no hidden agenda. We went out one night and I said that often when I go to 'make myself beautiful' people in Scotland would say 'we don't have a magic wand Amy'. After that I went to get ready and came out and one of the guys said 'well whadda ye know, the wand sure worked'. There is a very friendly nature to southerners as there is with scots but here it is underwritten with old fashioned romantic and honest gestures and in scotland it is underwritten with a hint of cheekyness.
I have been advised not to spend too long in New Orleans as the devestation is still quite bad and I am keeping an eye on the next hurricane that is in Miami at the moment!
You will all be pleased to hear that it is raining on and off here in Memphis today (but it is still 84 degrees....) The weather report advised that 'it will be a chilly 84 degrees here in Memphis today with some rain' - A contradiciton or what!
Think thats all for now. Will try and upload photos as soon as i possibly can. Love to all.

tiles outside the world trade centre made by kids

Am sitting in internet cafe in Memphis! I got to Nashville and spent 2 days there learning every kind of dance in the world (including the one on top of the bar in cowboy boots!)Nashville is a totally cliche, its so funny really. Guys on moterbikes, girls covered in scary tattoos, the works!!Its the friendliest city I have been to though, I really like it.
On the first night we went downtown and everywhere there was music and life. When I say we I mean most of the people in the hostel (about 5 of us) including a couple of guys who work there (with lovely southern accents) who showed us the sights. We got to a bar called Coyote Ugly and inside there were girls dancing on the bar (including us!) and was lots of fun. The second day we went to the Jack Daniels distillery (check out and enter 26th August and you should see my picture). Then at night we went to an open air swing dance where we jived and cha cha'd and was so much fun!!
Then i met 2 spanish guys who were doing a 4 day trip to Memphis and Mammoth caves so I decided to join them as they had a car and its cheaper and more fun to do it this way. Got to Memphis and spent yesterday in Sun studios and Beale St. Today I am going to sit and chill by the Mississippi river. Then tonight we are going to a place called Mammoth caves (largest cave system in the world) and then back to Nashville for another week or so.
Its so hard to describe but in Nashville and Memphis you feel like the cities (or large towns as they are) are actually alive. They have a rhythm, a soul and a movement that makes you realise why they are known for their music. Its incredible and hard to describe, but its a wonderful feeling and makes you feel so relaxed. When I arrived in Nashville I spent 2 days just being in Nashville and I feel more relaxed and at ease than I have felt in a long time. The only other place I feel like this is Scotland and only then in specific places.
Memphis and Nashville is what you think of as typical south america, small diners, coffee, everyone relaxed and taking life at a very slow pace indeed. I like it and didn't realise that the pace of Scotland is comparable to the pace of New York, its amazing how totally relaxed I feel here taking life at a much slower pace.
In the south there is a very old fashioned nature and charm to people. Everyone was dancing at the bars to the live bands and men are not self conscious the way scottish men are. They are relaxed. They take half an hour off from mending the fence to play gitaur and teach me a song. Men compliment women in a very honest and truthful way and there is no hidden agenda. We went out one night and I said that often when I go to 'make myself beautiful' people in Scotland would say 'we don't have a magic wand Amy'. After that I went to get ready and came out and one of the guys said 'well whadda ye know, the wand sure worked'. There is a very friendly nature to southerners as there is with scots but here it is underwritten with old fashioned romantic and honest gestures and in scotland it is underwritten with a hint of cheekyness.
I have been advised not to spend too long in New Orleans as the devestation is still quite bad and I am keeping an eye on the next hurricane that is in Miami at the moment!
You will all be pleased to hear that it is raining on and off here in Memphis today (but it is still 84 degrees....) The weather report advised that 'it will be a chilly 84 degrees here in Memphis today with some rain' - A contradiciton or what!
Think thats all for now. Will try and upload photos as soon as i possibly can. Love to all.
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